Boeing’s Stitch Reflects on Test Flight: Success Despite Deviations, NASA’s Starliner Decision Supported

Boeing’s Stitch Reflects on Test Flight: Success Despite Deviations, NASA’s Starliner Decision Supported

Stich also stated on Saturday, “I think we made the right decision not to have Butch and Suni on board. Everyone looks positive about the successful landing. But then there’s a piece of us, all of us, that we are quite restless because we would have preferred it to be as it was planned.”

The improving circumstances in stars’ politics have not discouraged partners in the drama of the last such note from Boeing’s stars of space and defence offices – Ted Colbert – and Kay Sears for so more – this view infuse the Bell note, “While this may not have been how we originally envisioned the test flight concluding, we support the decision concerning the Starliner from NASA and feel proud of how our team and the spacecraft performed.”

It is worth mentioning that Williams and Willmore, will take leave of earth for 8 months in February next year after an extended eight day sojourn in SpaceX Crew Dragon.

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