Three pearls story


Three valuable lessons about the importance of being patient
A little town was once the home of a defiant child named Khalid and his grandma. It all started when an outbreak struck Khalid's town and the neighboring districts, taking the lives of both of his parents. Nani summoned Khalid to her after he passed away. In the past, she would help out around the house by sewing and embroidering, and Khalid would pitch in as well. They were both living like this.

After a while, Nani's eyesight became impaired, but she still managed to do some light cooking and housekeeping. Now that he was a young man, Khalid had to face the burden of the household.

Warm weather prevailed. When Khalid got lightheaded from the heat, he slumped in the field where he was working for a farmer. Hakeem examined Khalid and administered medication as soon as the farmer brought him to him. Although his condition improved with the treatment, he became exceedingly feeble.

For the next 30 days, Hakeem advised Khalid to avoid physically demanding tasks.

Money and grain stored in the house were also dwindling supplies. The absence of food had a similar effect on Khalid's pet cat and dog.

A destitute guy once yelled out to Khalid, "My children are hungry; please, give them food!" outside his house. The beggar got all of the food and drink from Khalid's maternal grandmother's house, so now they're starving.

Even though Khalid was sick, he still went out to look for work, but he had no luck. He returned home feeling let down. Somebody started pounding on the door mid-afternoon. A dervish sage stood before the door when Grandmother went to see it. “Dear lady!,” he exclaimed. A kind and giving spirit is within you.

Here are three pearls for you. Throw your grandkids into a pot if hunger strikes. That way, whatever delicious dish you've been dreaming about will end up in the pot. With these words, he departed. Grandma brought three pearls inside, placed them in the pot, and then opened the top to reveal goat flesh. This manner, people might enjoy a different supper on a daily basis. In addition to sharing their daily feast with the entire village, Khalid and his maternal grandma also made sure everyone else in town had great food.

"Oh good-hearted woman!" the same old grandma proclaimed in a previous dream. Instead of worrying about feeding the town's residents, focus on finding them jobs. Immediately up and place these three pearls in your large container. Coins will spill out of the box when you open it first thing in the morning.

To use these coins to buy items, create a large shop, and employ some of the town's needy residents. This store is going to be a blessing. Reassure your grandchild that the establishment of a large industry in the town will result in the creation of jobs.

Khalid was informed about the dream by his grandmother first thing in the morning. They returned to the room, opened the box, and sure enough, it was brimming with coins. Along with opening the shop, Khalid made a hurried trip to the city to stock up on supplies.

The villagers were also given jobs since they were compelled to sit in the shop. Khalid established a sizable plant in the town six months afterwards. Everyone in town who had been out of work for some time found work in this way. A life of plenty began for the people.

Little ones! Keep your cool no matter what. Hard work is a waste of life, yet Allah aids those who seek him.

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