After saying goodbye, Biden gives Kamala Harris an embrace


"Thank you, Joe" cries and thunderous applause greeted a weeping Joe Biden as he ascended the stage at the DNC.

Joe Biden, the 46th President of the United States, has had a long and varied career in American politics. Born on November 20, 1942, in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Biden’s journey from a working-class upbringing to the highest office in the land is a testament to his enduring commitment to public service and political resilience.

**Early Life and Education**

Joe Biden's early years were marked by personal and financial struggles. His family moved to Delaware when he was young, where he was raised in a close-knit community. Biden’s father, a car salesman, faced numerous job losses, which placed a significant strain on the family. Despite these challenges, Biden excelled academically and pursued higher education at the University of Delaware, followed by Syracuse University College of Law.

**Political Career Beginnings**Biden's political career began in earnest when he was elected to the New Castle County Council in 1970. His early success in local politics paved the way for his run for the U.S. Senate. In 1972, at the age of 29, Biden won a seat in the Senate, becoming one of the youngest individuals ever elected to the chamber.

This victory was especially poignant as it came shortly after the tragic death of his first wife, Neilia, and their infant daughter, Naomi, in a car accident. Biden's resilience during this period, balancing grief with his new role as a Senator, set the tone for his later political career.


**Senate Career**

During his 36 years in the Senate, Biden established a reputation as a pragmatic and influential legislator. He played a crucial role in numerous legislative initiatives, including the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, which sought to address crime and criminal justice reform. Biden was also known for his work on foreign policy, including his advocacy for the U.S. involvement in the Balkan conflicts and his efforts to strengthen relationships with European allies.

**Vice Presidency**

In 2008, Biden's political trajectory took a significant turn when then-Senator Barack Obama selected him as his running mate in the presidential election. Their partnership was successful, leading to Obama and Biden’s victory over John McCain and Sarah Palin. As Vice President, Biden was a key advisor to President Obama, working on issues ranging from economic recovery to healthcare reform. His role in shaping the Affordable Care Act and spearheading the administration’s response to the economic downturn was notable.


In 2020, Joe Biden ran for President against incumbent Donald Trump. His campaign focused on uniting a divided nation, addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, and restoring integrity to the office of the presidency. Biden's victory was seen as a return to traditional politics and an emphasis on empathy and experience. His administration’s early priorities included managing the pandemic response, implementing economic relief packages, and addressing climate change. Biden's presidency also emphasized a return to multilateralism in foreign policy, aiming to strengthen alliances and address global challenges collaboratively.

**Challenges and Achievements**

Biden’s presidency has faced numerous challenges, including navigating a deeply polarized political landscape and managing the economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. His administration has worked on significant legislative achievements, including infrastructure spending and climate initiatives. However, Biden's tenure has also been marked by contentious issues such as the withdrawal from Afghanistan and ongoing debates over immigration and healthcare policies.

**Personal Life and Legacy*

Outside of politics, Biden is known for his personal warmth and resilience. He has been open about his personal tragedies and triumphs, including the death of his son Beau Biden, a former Attorney General of Delaware. Biden’s narrative is one of perseverance and commitment, and his legacy will likely reflect both his long-standing contributions to American politics and the impact of his presidency during a tumultuous period in U.S. history.

Joe Biden’s journey from a young Senator to President encapsulates a lifetime of public service, marked by both triumphs and trials. His presidency continues to shape the nation’s trajectory, and his story remains a compelling chapter in American political history.

"America, I gave my best to you," he declared at the conclusion of an impassioned and long address honoring Kamala Harris and defending his legacy.

Ahead of their fight against Donald Trump in November, the president declared that the Democrats were "in a battle for the very soul of America".

He conceded that the thousands of demonstrators protesting the Gaza war and the DNC "had a point," claiming that too many people had died "on both sides."

At the conclusion of his speech, Biden was joined on stage by Harris, running mate Tim Walz, and his wife and kids.

Before, the audience heard Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic nominee against Donald Trump, say they were almost there to see Kamala Harris "on the other side of that glass ceiling" as the country's first female president.

Since taking over for Biden last month, Harris has seen a spike in polls against Trump, but the race is still very close.

Republicans in the US House of Representatives have published a report claiming that Democratic President Joe Biden committed crimes that could lead to his impeachment, but it's unclear if they would seek a vote on the matter after an investigation that the White House has long since brushed aside as politically motivated.

In a 291-page report, three House committees said that beginning in 2014, when Biden was vice president, he engaged in influence-peddling in order to benefit himself and members of his family through international business activities.

The inquiry "conclusively" demonstrated that Biden had "abused his public office for the private financial benefit of the Biden family and Biden business associates," according to Jim Jordan, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

"Corruption, obstruction, and misuse of public office characterize President Biden's legacy. James Comer, the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, stated, "The evidence produced by our impeachment inquiry is the strongest case for impeachment of a sitting president the House of Representatives has ever investigated."

However, the nearly year-long investigation, made public by the Republicans on Monday, does not accuse the president—who said last month that he would not seek reelection this year—of any criminal misconduct.

Rather, the report—which was also made public on the first day of the Democratic National Convention—repeats well-worn territory, claiming that the Biden family engaged in corrupt business practices that exceed the threshold for impeachment set down in the US Constitution.

For years, Republicans have attempted to disgrace Biden's father by highlighting Hunter's international connections and disorderly personal life as a recovering drug addict.

They claim that partners or clients in China, Russia, and other nations sent over $27 million in commercial payments to the Biden family and its allies. They also questioned the acquisition of the son's artwork and claimed an extra $8 million in loans, some of which came from Hollywood lawyer and Hunter Biden patron Kevin Morris.

According to the report, it is "inconceivable" that President Biden was unaware of what was happening.

The study said that "President Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family."

Immersed in the affection of his party, President Joe Biden at last fulfilled his role as a link to a new generation of leaders.

At the Democratic National Convention on Monday, he gracefully passed the baton to Kamala Harris, the leader of the party, in what is arguably the most profound move a politician in a democracy can pull off.

He concluded a fifty-year career spanning three terms as president, vice president, and senator by reciting a line from the song "American Anthem," which he claimed held special meaning for his family. He uttered, "America, America, I gave my best to you. Let me know in my heart when my days are through, what shall our legacy be, what will our children say."

Biden, 81, gave a farewell speech in Chicago that lasted beyond midnight on the east coast. He gave Kamala Harris, the woman he referred to as "vice president soon-to-be president," responsibility for both that legacy and what he saw as the future of American democracy.

Since Biden was the first sitting president to postpone a reelection campaign in almost 55 years, his gesture was particularly moving.

Despite his strong desire to be granted the second term that all presidents desire, he ultimately gave in to intense pressure from colleagues he had once regarded as loyalists and concluded that a younger candidate would be better for the party and the nation.

His selfless gesture brought to light the diametrically opposed decision taken by his predecessor, Donald Trump, who, after bucking the electorate in 2020, did everything in his ability to hold onto office and is now seeking reelection on a platform of "retribution."

A few hours prior, Trump had repeated the words that precipitated the greatest constitutional crisis in American history four years prior. He made it clear that he would only accept this year's outcome if he believed it to be impartial and free. There is no indication that it will be any different this year from what was the case the previous time around.

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